More grass shrimp and more baby bass. I'd hate to think the big fish are gone, but then again, they never really did show up this year in the first place. We are still in the early stages of this tide cycle, so there is room for things to get better over the coming days. Last year around this time I caught my largest bass of that season at 33 inches. Not long to some, but she was shaped like a football and put my 8 weight to the test. This full moon may very well be our last shot at a big fish in the bay before they go deep or head to the oceanfront. God, I hope it comes through.
On a more positive note, I set a new personal best for the 5 weight at a whopping 20 inches! I know, not very impressive by most standards, but this fish bent my five weight from tip to handle.

Hi John,
I like to use Steve Culton's Grass Shrimp Solution. Its simple, sparse, and a quick tie. I tie them in white, olive, tan, pink, and sometimes black. I then fish multiple colors on a three fly rig to see what the fish want. Check out the link for more about the pattern including the recipe.
What is your preferred grass shrimp pattern?