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Striped Bass on a 5 Weight

When people ask me about what sort of "set-up" I use for striped bass, they quickly get the realize that I don't fish for striped bass the same way that most people do. When I tell them I use a 10.5 foot rod, they usually raise an eyebrow. When I explain why I use a floating line, intrigue sets in. Then, when I tell them I also bring a 5 weight with me, they think I've lost my mind.

Someday I may very well loose my mind (exposure to all that head cement cant be good for me), but for now my occasional use of a 5 weight rod for striped bass is completely sane and rational.

Why Use a 5 weight for Stripers:

The standard saltwater fly rod is built for long casts, big flies, heaving lines, thick leaders, and big fish. Such rods do not lend themselves to small flies and soft presentations. However, trout rods are built for this very purpose, making a 5 weight the perfect tool for presenting small flies to spooky fish.

When to Use a 5 Weight for Stripers:

When the bait is small. A 5 weight rod is the perfect tool for presenting light grass shrimp, cinder worm, isopod, and small baitfish imitations.

When the fish are small. When trout-sized bass are popping on grass shrimp a lot of anglers go home. I reach for the 5 weight and relish the opportunity to dry fly fish for striped bass.

When there is little to no wind. It can be tough to cast a 5 weight into a 20 knot headwind. Best to pull out the big stick in these scenarios.

How to Set-Up a 5 Weight for Stripers:

As far as rods go, a medium to medium-fast action 9 foot rod works great for presenting small, delicate flies. If you want to use a five weight to swing larger streamers, you will probably want a fast action rod with plenty of stiffness in the butt section.

When using a 5 weight for stripers you will want to over-line the rod by at least two rod sizes. My striper 5 weight is paired with an 8 weight, weight forward floating line. This allows me to cut through any wind and helps me turn over multi-fly rigs.

As for reels, use a reel that balances well with the rod. Just be sure to give the reel a good wash after you use it. Most reels designed to pair with a 5 weight rod are not made for the salt, but will work if maintained properly.

My striper 5 weight set-up consists of the following:

9 foot 5 weight Cabelas RLS

Echo Base 6/8 Fly Reel (I like this reel because it is large and holds an 8 weight line, but it made of a composite material that is lightweight and not affected by salt.)

8 weight fly line, the head section of which is 215 grains.

Another 5 Weight for Stripers Resource

If this post has piqued your interest, be sure to check out Steve Culton's blog, currentseams. He uses a 5 weight to swing big flatwings for big bass. As it stands, I believe his record bass on a 5 weight is 33 inches. Truly impressive.

Little micro bass, such as the one pictured, are a blast on a 5 weight.


Guided Outings are scheduled on a first come first serve basis and are subject to a specific time frame. For the 2019 season guided outings are only offered from May 15- June 20. 

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